Yonkers Arts Council-- and a new blog
I met yesterday with a group of artists who are starting the Yonkers Arts Council. It's a very exciting project, and something that I am going to get involved with.![]() ![]() I'll be helping them to promote arts and artists of Yonkers. To that end, I thought I'd start a new blog specifically about that subject. The blog is http://www.yonkersarts.blogspot.com. If you are a Yonkers artist or arts organization, and you would like to be featured on the Yonkers Arts Blog, let me know! Labels: arts blog |
Comments on "Yonkers Arts Council-- and a new blog"
OK, first of all, can I just say that this blog is a little treasure here in Yonkers! I don't know how often I will comment, but I'll definitely be back to read. I was also at the Yonkers Arts Council meeting and I was inspired. I mentioned at the meeting that I yearned for the days (1930's, 40's and no I wasn't actually there) when artists met to engage in dialogue, to share creative energies and the pursuit of deep intellectual all night debates and also and just to hang out. I know I'm not the first artist in town to bemoan the lack of a real smokey, spicey coffee house with tattered magazines, deep-seated couches, a fireplace and an occasional open mike, but it's exactly those kinds of places that draw local artists and create a warm haven to hang out.
The first meeting of the Yonkers Arts Council gave me hope that perhaps that day is coming. The Council is still in formation, but it was wonderful to share the company of so many talented individuals in one room. Great things happen when artists get together and the meeting really exemplified that. I also want to remind everyone that a wonderful artist's membership organization exists right here in Yonkers, the Blue Door Art Gallery. An organization that Lois Perleman has maintained with blood, sweat and tears over the years, promoting local artists through exhibits and public art opportunities. Blue Door doesn't actually have a physical space, but if anyone would be willing to donate a permanent location, I promise you all the free coffee and poetry you can handle. I encourage all artists to join the Blue Door because it formally represents the wide number of diverse and talented artists that live in Yonkers.
Adam, this blog reminds me of the patent commercial on TV, "I thought of this first..." The arts blog is probably something everyone thought would be great, but no one got around to doing it...until now. Thanks Adam
Thanks haifa for your comment!
I hope you like both blogs (the arts blog and the yonked.com blog)
Hi recently I said that I was putting
myself into a period of self-re-evaluation and artistic creation.
however I will blog out from time to time.
And I will try my best to share,
only that information, which is correct.
I invite everyone to attend our YOHO Artists Open Studios Event this year,
on Sat. April 21--Sun.April 22
from 12noon--5pm.
At 578 Nepperhan Ave in ( the Historic Alexander Carpet Mills Building ) Yonkers NY.
It's going to be spectacular, all the YOHO artists are energized,
especially the new ones,
I learnt a lot from those new artists, who hails from some of our
neighbouring towns counties etc.
like the Bronx, DobbsFerry, Hastings, Irvington, Riverdale etc.
their commitment to this years event is simply beyond words,
my hat's off to all of them.
Oh, I must not forget YOHO'S new
landlord Mr George Haung, he has done so much for the cause of YOHO
Artists and the Arts in general,
he is to be commended.
I, like Ms. Haifa
also yearns for the time when Artists from everywhere can meet and socalize here on the local platform.
We need more art galleries, more art exhibits, more street or public art fairs, more open mikes for Poets,
I could go on an on,
and we need them all now, pronto.
I don't want to sit around on committees, in meetings, talking
about these events, month after month,
My Art is my only work, I do not hold a second job anywhere, that's
why I want to see things happen now.
not 3 or 5 years from now.
I want to see action.
I commend you Adam, for giving us this blog, so ideas, and visions can be shared .
Thank you my friend,
and Good Luck
I'm stepping out briefly from my
self imposed house arrested period of self re-evaluation,and artistic creation, to say,
the city of Yonkers, needs a permanent art gallery, one that will
have weekly, or monthly art exhibits
giving local artists, ( The well known ones, as well as the unknown ones, free, and fair exhibit time.
There are enough artists among us to do that.
who ever is presently holding tight, the freedom of artists to
publicly display, and sell their art work, needs to let go,
so we here in Yonkers, can do something similar to what artists
are doing on 5th.ave. In Manhattan,
around the MET.
Mr Luis Perelman of the Blue Door
Art Association, of which I'm a
member, has held it all together,
over all these years, as the saying goes, ( without four walls around
his organization, )
While I'm happy that the guy will be awarded for his achievements
this year,
I must say, " that's not enough,
some one should be awarding him
free use of a permanent building,
from which the Blue Door Art Association can operate".
That would be really honoring this great pioneer of the Arts
here in the City of Yonkers.
Finally, More attention should be paid to the revitalization of the Nepperhan Valley, and of the Arts
that are alive and kicking over there, and not just only the
downtown water front areas.
How about some grants to artists
for the beautification of the public fixtures in the nepperhan
Especially around ( the Historic
Alexander Carpet Mills Building ).
Action! my friends speak louder than words act now, not three (3)
and ten ( 10 ) years from now,
I'm a working artist, I do not hold
a second job, the sale of my art work keeps me going, as I'm sure there are many more artists like me.