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1. n, an inhabitant of Yonkers, NY
2. v, to live in Yonkers, NY. also YONK, YONKS, YONKED, YONKER, YONKING
3.adj YONKED descriptor of a person living or the act of living in Yonkers, NY, sometimes used in a pejorative sense.
EX: "We bought this old house and are re-habbing it--we are so yonked!"
4. n, YONKED a weblog that chronicles the life, trials, tribulations, and other of two lovebirds and their new child in an old house in Yonkers, NY.



Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Arts Council Might Be Forming In Yonkers

Great article in LoHud regarding a new artist initiative in Yonkers.

Naturally, this is something that I'd like to get involved with.

If you want to get involved, too, the Yonkers Arts Council Committee will meet 5:30 p.m., Feb. 12 at Philipse Manor Hall, 29 Warburton Ave., Yonkers, to continue its discussions. For more information or to RSVP for the meeting e-mail

I hope to see you there!

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