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1. n, an inhabitant of Yonkers, NY
2. v, to live in Yonkers, NY. also YONK, YONKS, YONKED, YONKER, YONKING
3.adj YONKED descriptor of a person living or the act of living in Yonkers, NY, sometimes used in a pejorative sense.
EX: "We bought this old house and are re-habbing it--we are so yonked!"
4. n, YONKED a weblog that chronicles the life, trials, tribulations, and other of two lovebirds and their new child in an old house in Yonkers, NY.
1. n, an inhabitant of Yonkers, NY
2. v, to live in Yonkers, NY. also YONK, YONKS, YONKED, YONKER, YONKING
3.adj YONKED descriptor of a person living or the act of living in Yonkers, NY, sometimes used in a pejorative sense.
EX: "We bought this old house and are re-habbing it--we are so yonked!"
4. n, YONKED a weblog that chronicles the life, trials, tribulations, and other of two lovebirds and their new child in an old house in Yonkers, NY.


Comments on "In which the glass finally arrives... and is not quite full."
We didn't take a shower in there yet, but we took a "Dry run" where we got in the shower to see how it would work out-- it turns out y ou can see EVERYTHING from inside the shower-- the washing machine and dryer, the toilet, the sink-- everything!
I'm not sure, I guess perhaps in my mind I've always thought of the shower as a private sanctuary space-- I didn't get how in this shower, that won't be possible.
I sure hope I can get used to it!
(otherwise it will officially be my most expensive mistake ever)